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The aquatic setting is a unique environment for individuals to receive occupational therapy. Water provides a beautiful medium to both decrease the effect of gravity and increase the sensory feedback for one’s body. Sessions will follow a plan that is aimed at increasing safety and independence in the aquatic environment, but also to generalize success to other settings (home, the playground, school, etc.). Some areas that Aquatic Occupational Therapy can be of assistance are:          

  • Attention and Executive Functioning for Multi-Step Sequences, Plans & Routines. 

  • Visual Motor/Visual Perceptual Skills & Ocular Motor Skills

  • Foundations to and Refinement of Swim Skills/Strokes

  • Hand, Core, and Global Strengthening 

  • Emotional Self-Regulation Skills

  • Confidence and Self-Esteem 

  • Gross Motor Skills

  • Social Skills

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