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Parent Testimonial

"I've never seen anything like it. He totally had a blast with Mike!! He was having a really great day already- but just rocked it. I laughed and at one point said 'Um yeah, this is my sensory defensive kiddo' or something like that. It. Was. Awesome." 

Parent Testimonial

Parent Testimonial

"I already knew how enthusiastic (he) feels about working with you, but I was thoroughly impressed with your insights, ideas, willingness to brainstorm and "connect the dots." I so appreciate your willingness to go "out of the box" 

Child Testimonial

"Thank you and your amazing team for all the hard work everyone puts in. Therapy is touch because we won't the differences immediately and some sessions will be better than others (natural course of life). But what you and the team do, makes a significant difference in family's lives.


Our family is incredibly THANKFUL! Thank you for all of the hard work everyone does. We are slowly but surely seeing the rewards of your team's amazing talent with [child's] progress!"

To Mike: "I learned cursive today. You are a great teacher. Thank you!"

Child Testimonial

"Dere Mike: I love playing with you!!!! You are the best Mike in the whole world =D"

Student Testimonial

This company truly takes occupational therapy foundations and values at its core.  Each person has a passion and heart made for their job. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with this company.

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